traveling excursions, as documented by food photos

Someone ought to start a blog about traveling excursions, as documented by food photos . . .

I’m not a world traveler, I should say first of all. For the large majority of my life, I lived in one house in one city in one state in one country on one continent (and if you want to get really specific, I’ve never even been outside the Milky Way). e.e. cummings talked about those things we “cannot touch because they are too near,” and all of us have those things about ourselves. We don’t quite recognize that the way we’ve lived is different than the way others have lived because our experiences are too close to touch and recognize as distinctively part of us. For me, I didn’t realize how odd it is to spend most of your life in one house until I was about 18. It seemed normal to me. I assumed most people experienced that.

I didn’t intend to wax philosophical, but all that to say that in more recent years, I’ve done a bit more traveling (for me). I did move to another state. I did spend three weeks in New York. I’m still nowhere near world traveler status, but I have a friend I call my world traveling friend.

This world traveling friend has been to Egypt, China, Israel, Malaysia – you name it – and probably (secretly) Antarctica (Did you know you don’t need a passport to go there?). And what I love about her excursions, is that she always comes back with a host of food photos. I get to see all the local dishes and foods (Some are questionably edible.), even though I haven’t been there. In a sense, it makes me feel like I’ve done more than just looked at pictures of the place. I get a better feel for it.

So when I went to New York, I tried to take a few food photos. Some were lost in transition to my new computer, but here’s one from a Vietnamese restaurant:

I don't remember the name of the dish, but it was tastey.

Anyways, someone should start a blog that documents all their world travels using nothing but food photos!